What He Said – 02.11.2022 @0843

‘My charger isn’t working.’

‘The internet connection here is terrible.’

‘I’m going to turn my phone off.’

What he did

He blocked you!

An act that triggers you to revert to past times when your walls were up and everything was protected.

You care too much.

Yet, no tears showed up; they absconded once they saw the truth.

He said, ‘You don’t mean much to me to care.’

Raise your glass of water and sip deeply. A vacancy has appeared for common sense to apply.

You are more than enough.


Two nights ago, I dreamt about the meaning of the word vulnerable.

I realised I had misunderstood the meaning of the word. I was out by pages.

I stood up and apologised in the only way I knew best – through writing.

I have spent another twenty-four hours ruminating over the word’s meaning and actions.

I mean, I’m not the most intelligent form of existence.

You feel vulnerable with me.

What is happening is a fine blend of elements that take time to create.

Wax seal over the opening.

I Never Said Goodbye – 23.06.2022

One day common sense caught up with my age and reminded me that you are insular.

I frowned at my reflection in a car window; the car was parked illegally on a double yellow line.

How has it taken me so long?

You’re a vampire that drains my energy store, similar to a lack of iron and B12.

I’m a woman that cares deeply.

Only you actively choose to exploit my good nature and drain me whilst making out that you’re the one suffering.

My Therapist advised me to remove myself from toxicity! He said, ‘Unique, why do you keep allowing that vampire to encourage your anxiety? Increase your OCD behaviour? Or even have them in your space?’

I’m nice, and you know it.

I’m nice, and you take advantage of that fact often.

I’m nice because I always see the good in you. *Disclaimer, the good is part of the delusion that fogs my mind when you’re around.

Recently, I bumped into my peace! It wrapped me up in an abundance of love and sprinkled respect on my name.

The fragments of a heart that you crushed reunited and began to beat.





You will forever be remembered as? Nothing.

You trigger my OCD to scales I’ve never processed before.

You trigger my anxiety beyond this realm of emotion.

You trigger tsunamis of stress; often, I’m drowning – I call your name, and you can’t hear me dying. You’re too busy living up to your name.

What is it again? Abhorrent  Narcissist.

I logged out, switched off and walked away.

Welcome December 2021

Hello December!

What a time it has been so far; I’ve been restless with my thoughts and lacklustre with my writing—November of a month of planning and preparing but failing to execute everything.

I’ve listened to an array of audiobooks but did not complete the chain by reading paperbacks. Often I feel guilty about that, for I have a vast collection of creative pieces written by amazing people. Yet, I pass them by each day and note the new layer of dust each week.

At the end of November, I accepted that I had not written due to a mental blockage. Instead, I’m riddled with self-doubt and overcome with stress and fear of failing. It appears I have been struggling for months, and I need to break free to thrive and flourish.

Today is the day I will restart the chain!

Goal: Write 100 words per day.


Welcome November 2021

Welcome November

Welcome, November,

The eleventh month in the year marks the eighth week count down to the end of 2021.

Last month, I spent a lot of time reflecting and working on close relationships. Friends are essential in life, and I guess I’ve been guarded in the past – many factors surrounding why I react how I react. Though October has taught me to embrace my friends more and understand why things are the way they are.

I’ve enjoyed listening to several audiobooks on Audible, specifically The Jane Austin Classics, Her Body and Other Parties by Machado and I’ve recently started The Midnight Library by Matt Haig. Audiobooks help me to get deep into a story while going for a stroll and staying healthy.

I tend to be quite hard on myself when I don’t get things completed or give myself too much to do in a short time.

In October, I have learned that when it comes to writing, I have found that I infrequently go through periods of emotions when I can’t seem to write anything – too much on my mind right now.

I’m often distracted by life, or rather the drama in the lives of others, which leads to my time being channelled into wasting energy on nonsensical conversations and people who take too much and give nothing back in return.

I need to focus on my needs and not the needs/wants of others. This will lead to an increase in productivity in my creative endeavours.

I digress.

October was a month of pleasing others and neglecting my craft. November will include more trips to the library, museums, and a lovely café that serves vegan hot chocolate.

Embrace reading every moment you can, and don’t stop.

Dame Unique

Growing Pains

I understand, and I hear you; I love you. I don’t pray!

I don’t believe in random activities, though I procrastinate throughout the day.

I want you. I want me, I want us, I want life.

I need time, more time.

The bolts of life thunder around my mind, creating worlds between myself and I.

The inevitable will happen, and we will fall in love during the day. I’ll kiss you as you fall asleep and quietly walk away.